Dina went to see Lindsay with her sister Ali Lohan and her ex, Samanthan Ronson, then slammed reports that the 24-year-old is enjoying perks behind bars.
"She doesn't have cell phone privileges, that's absurd," Dina said, referring to reports no one actually printed. "She doesn't even have a pillow to sleep on."
Aww. Sad. They can't even touch each other, either!
"I talk to her through glass. There's a phone and we put her on speaker. I can't even hug my daughter," Dina laments. "She's treated like a common criminal."
Which she is. One who drives drunk and recklessly, then can't even make it to one freaking alcohol education meeting a week. She got hers. Just saying.
Lindsay has the support of her mom and sister, who we expect will be in Lynwood Correctional Facility herself one day.
Dina acknowledged, however, that Lindsay is being treated well: "I have to say that the people inside have been pretty cool to her, guards and the inmates."
The Mean Girls star has been behind bars since July 20. The date of her release from jail is still unclear, although it is likely to be sooner rather than later.
Whenever she leaves, the star must report to rehab immediately. Her lawyer is trying to get her a temporary delay before checking in, but don't bet on it.
In any event, Lohan will likely be out of the slammer in under three weeks. Not bad for a 90-day jail sentence. Hopefully it's long enough to learn a lesson.