Vienna Girardi to Jake Pavelka: Just Leave Me Alone!

Vienna Girardi is supposedly scared of Jake Pavelka. He says he'd get engaged to her all over again. Another day in the aftermath of the Breakup of the Century.

After a taped reunion interview that reportedly involved Jake making a fist in anger, a Vienna source says she is afraid of Jake and doesn’t want to go near him.

While ABC claims that no one was ever in physical danger, witnesses say the scene was ugly, and Vienna Girardi wants nothing to do with the guy ever again.

“I am afraid of Jake because he is verbally abusive and controlling, I'm afraid of what he might do next," she told a close friend. “I just want to be left alone."

The friend adds that Vienna "just wants a normal life" and is allegedly "starting a regular 9-5 job in marketing" today, which she's really "looking forward to.”

Marketing what, her own topless pics and celebrity news interviews?

Jake and Vienna at their Fake Relationship Hall of Fame induction.

It's been reported that one reason for the breakup was that Jake refusing to put it to her, but he was all over Vienna when it came to publicity about the couple.

No wonder he says do it all over again - the two were all over the news!

While he's hurt by Vienna's alleged cheating, "I'm getting all the Tweets and support from fans," he says. "You guys are going to get me through this. Thank you."

"My goal in life is to make decisions that minimize regrets. I don't regret anything I've done," he said on Good Morning Texas. "It's been the most amazing ride."

Yes, folks, it's been an amazing ride ... broken fake engagement and all.

"I've gotten to do things that most people never even dream of doing, and I sit here [thinking], 'What have I done to deserve this?' Somebody pinch me."

We'd love to, Jake. Got a vice handy?
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